Διακρίσεις της Ioniki στα Greek Exports Awards 2023!
Διακρίσεις της Ioniki στα Greek Exports Awards 2023!
Περήφανα και με ιδιαίτερη χαρά, η Ioniki διακρίθηκε σε 3 κατηγορίες στα φετινά Greek Exports Awards.
Συγκεκριμένα, έλαβε το Gold βραβείο στην κατηγορία «Top Export Products», επιβεβαιώνοντας την δέσμευση της εταιρίας στην εξαιρετική πορεία της λειτουργίας των εξαγωγών της αλλά και στην παροχή της ευρείας γκάμας προϊόντων στους πελάτες του εξωτερικού. H Filosophy Greek spiral pie with Feta P.D.O., Spinach & Extra Virgin Olive Oil, είναι το προϊόν με τις μεγαλύτερες πωλήσεις στον εξαγωγικό τομέα, το οποίο έφερε στην Ioniki την κορυφαία διάκριση με κύρια χαρακτηριστικά η προσθήκη του εξαιρετικά παρθένου ελαιόλαδου, η πιο ποιοτική φέτα Π.Ο.Π. & τα πιο εκλεκτά και διαλεχτά ελληνικά χόρτα.
Η Ioniki κατάφερε, παράλληλα, να λάβει και το Silver βραβείο στην κατηγορία «Top Protected Designation of Origin Product», καθώς και το Bronze βραβείο της κατηγορίας «Top Industrial Export Company» που σηματοδοτούν την υπόσχεση της εταιρίας για την λαμπρή συνέχειά της στον εξαγωγικό τομέα!

Awards for Ioniki's FILOSOPHY series
Awards for Ioniki's FILOSOPHY series
GTA 2019: Great Taste Awards, London
ITI 2019: International Taste Institute, Brussels Superior Taste Award
Greek Exports Award 2018: Silver award in Top Industrial Export Company Category
Superior awards ITQI: Superior Taste Awards 2018
Estia awards 2017/18: Gold award in quality and innovation in products and services
Diamonds of the Greek Economy 18
European Business Awards: National champion 2015/16
Made in Greece Awards: Industrial Excellence Award 2015
SEVE-Greek International Business Association: ‘Elliniki Axia΄ of Northern Greece Award 2012 - Merit for product innovations

From Brussels with love!
From Brussels with love!
One more award for Ioniki’s products from the International Taste Institute of Brussels
The traditional Bougatsa with apple - cinnamon and the Mediterranean pie with Feta P.D.O., peppers and olives, stood out among hundreds of products from around the world and were awarded for their great quality and unique taste with the Superior Taste Awards !!!
Congratulations to all Ioniki’s employees for this important award!
Mr. Konstantinos Giannoulakis and Mrs. Konstantina Xera represented us at the Superior Taste Award Ceremony 2019 on Monday, 24th of June, 2019 in Brussels!

London’s GTA awards Ioniki’s products
London’s GTA awards Ioniki’s products
We are very pleased to announce that the products we submitted, for first time, to the London awards "The Guild of Fine Food" wοn the Great Taste Awards and made us proud once again!
Our products were evaluated by a committee of 500 experts such as chefs, buyers, food journalists and retailers. Except the awards we receive great comments about our recipes!
The awarded products are:
- Greek Feta P.D.O & Spinach triangles with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Greek Leek & Feta P.D.O. pie
- Greek Bougatsa cream pie
- Greek Feta P.D.O. flour pie
- Greek spiral pie with Feta P.D.O. & Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Greek wild Greens pie with Feta P.D.O. & Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Congratulations to the Filo Team for the daily effort & dedication to our goals!

Ioniki is the "Diamond" of Greek Economy!
Ioniki is the "Diamond" of Greek Economy!
Ioniki was awarded as one of “The most admired enterprises in Greece” by the committee of the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy” award which organized by New Times Publishing.
The aim of this institution is to highlight the most dynamic companies in Greece, which were evaluated based on specific economic indicators, such as profitability, investment program, and increase of human resources.

Estia Awards: Best Supplier of the Year 2018
Estia Awards: Best Supplier of the Year 2018
Golden award for Ioniki, at the Estia Awards 2018, in the category "Best Supplier of the Year".
Another reward for our efforts that shows our commitment & excellent work on customer service!

Creative Greece Awards 2018!
Creative Greece Awards 2018!
IONIKI was awarded once again, as one of the healthiest growing companies in the field of Extroversion by the publishing house New Times Publishing at the Creative Greece Awards 2018.

OPAP Forward: Ioniki is one of the 21
OPAP Forward: Ioniki is one of the 21
Ioniki Sfoliata SA is one of the 21 very promising small and medium enterprises, selected by the OPAP Forward program among hundreds of great Greek companies from different sectors of the economy!
Innovation, business model, prospects of the company as well as the vision of the CEO were the criteria for our participation in the team of 21!

Ioniki is the No.1 at the European Private Label Awards 2018
Ioniki is the No.1 at the European Private Label Awards 2018
Ioniki is the winner of the European Private Label Product Awards for 2018 at Frozen Food category.
The awarded products are produced on behalf of the company Lidl, with the brand name, Eridanous Spinach & Cheese Swirl Pie and Eridanous Mini Sesame & Cheese Pies, which are available in all European discounter stores.

Made In Greece 2017 Awards
Made In Greece 2017 Awards
The Hellenic Academy of Marketing awarded Ioniki for it’s Industrial Excellence.
This distinction is rewarding our development model and our daily contribution to the domestic productive activity!